How to register on our site

Our site is secured with an SSL Cert, this shows up as a padlock displayed on your browser address line.

1. If you are new to the site you will need to register your details to respond or add posts…Click the Register button.

2. You will be presented with an overview of the user terms and conditions and privacy policy. Full versions of both can be viewed by clicking the relevant links highlighted on this page.

3. If you are happy to proceed…Click the I agree to these terms button.

4. Details needed are as follows:-

a. Username – Keep this as anonymous as possible. We suggest you use your First name and 1st & 2nd letter of your surname.
If it’s already used the system will offer suggestions that you can select from.

b. Email – Enter your email address.
Needed to receive account verification emails and any communications from other users.

c. Password – This must be between 6 and 30 characters long with a mix of Uppercase and Lowercase letters and Numbers.
Keep a note of this Password, please don’t use the same password as used elsewhere.
If you forget your password the system allows for a password reset.

d. Confirm Password – Re-enter your chosen password to prevent typos or mistakes.

e. I’m happy to receive messages/emails via the system – Select ‘Y’ or ‘N’
Select ‘Y’ if you are happy to receive messages from the admin team and other users that may wish to contact you regards any messages you post on the notice board. Your email address will not be visible too or shared with standard users or any third parties.

f. Submit – If you are happy to proceed…Click the Submit button

g. Reset – If you do not wish to use the details entered…Click the Reset button

5. Your registration will be verified by our Admin team and you’ll be sent a confirmation email when activated.

It’s important to note that we are not affiliated with or are not part of the DES.

Do’s and Dont’s to help avoid the dreaded spammers out there:-
Do not put your full name in any posts.
Do not put your address in any posts.
Do not put your phone number in any posts.
Do use the Private Message service to contact tutors or parents.

Do you have any questions about our services or website?
If you have any questions please do Contact Us and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

Do you have any website suggestions?
If you have any suggestions about how the bulletin board is configured please do Contact Us with your suggestions.

We’ve intentionaly kept the site as simple and flat as possible, but over time with your valued input we will fine tune and tweak it for the better. As it is maintained and managed on a purely voluntary basis any change suggestions will be noted and valid changes will be implemented asap.