Helping Parents and Teachers Connect

Originally we created this site to assist families needing help with the July Provision Summer Programme, but now and especially in the midst of this COVID-19 parents and teachers can also use our site to connect for any other educational needs.

July Provision Summer Programme

Supplementary Programme

Home Tuition Programmes

Private Home Tuition/Grinds

Tuition Groups

Study Groups

Exam Prep

Are you a parent looking for a teacher to help a family member? We’ve made it easier to find a teacher in your home county. Follow this link to a map that matches your school type and select your county.

Are you a teacher willing to assist families? Follow this link to a map that matches your school type and select your county.

When we have updates or information on education programmes we post details on our social media pages. By following and liking our Facebook and Twitter pages using @JulyProvision as soon as we post info you’ll see it on your timeline.

If you have any questions please do contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you further.