Supplementary Programme Application and DES Info Documents – Post-Primary Level

On this page we’ve links to the DES info sheets as well as a number of other DES information documents that you may find useful regards the delivery of the programme for Post-Primary level pupils.

The application form must be requested from your school and Section 1 of the application needs to be completed and stamped by the Principal.

Section 2 and appendices 2 and 3 must be completed by parents and teachers prior to the commencement of tuition.

Section 3 “the Timetable” / Payment Diary Sheet should be completed when the tuition has finished and must also be signed by both the parent and the tutor.

Paperwork is only returned to the DES on completion of tuition.

Note:  The documents that we have linked below are dated by the DES as of 11/02/2021.

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