Home Based Provision 2021

Table of Contents


The home-based summer programme will be available for children with complex needs where their schools are not providing a school-based programme. Under the home-based programme grant funding is made available so that parents/legal guardians can engage the services of a Teacher or an SNA to provide tuition or care support as appropriate in the child’s home.

Under the home-based programme grant funding is made available so that parents/legal guardians can engage the services of a Teacher or an SNA to provide tuition or care support as appropriate in the child’s home. The grant payments are issued directly to the tutors.

What if my school is offering the programme?
If a child’s school is running a school-based programme the child must avail of the school programme and the home-based programme will not be available.

Eligibility Criteria

The following categories of pupils/students are considered as children with complex needs for the 2021 Home Based Summer programme.

  • All students in special schools and special classes in primary and post primary schools
  • Students in mainstream classes in primary and post primary schools who are accessing
    the highest level of the continuum of support (Student Support Plus/for a few).
  • This includes students with Autism, Down syndrome, sensory impairments, and other
    disabilities who were identified for the supplementary programme earlier this year.
  • Children in the above categories entering primary school next September are also eligible for the programme.

Who can tutor on this programme?

You can engage any of the following to work with your children on the Home Based Programme:

  • Qualified teacher
  • Qualified SNA
  • Graduate teachers
  • PME student teachers

Qualified teacher
A teacher must be registered and vetted with the Teaching Council of Ireland.

An SNA must be currently employed by a school and have current Garda vetting.

Graduate Teachers
Graduate teachers can work on the home based summer programme where:

  • They have commenced registration with the Teaching Council
  • Their final results from HEI confirm they are eligible to register with the Teaching Council
  • Garda vetting has been completed with the Teaching Council.
  • Their registration with the Council will be finalised prior to 8 October 2021

PME student teachers
PME student teachers can work on the home based summer programme where:

  • They are registered with the Teaching Council under Further Education
  • They have applied for registration with the Teaching Council under Further Education
  • They are Garda vetted with the Teaching Council
  • Their council registration under Further Education finalised prior to 8/10/21

PME student teachers registered with the Teaching Council under the Further Education route will be paid at the modified rate for work on the home based summer programme

Who can not tutor on the programme?

A Teacher/SNA who is availing of approved paid leave from his/her employment during the period of the Home-based Summer Provision Scheme is not eligible to provide support to a family under the Home-based Summer Scheme.

However, a teacher who is on Career Break or who is Job Sharing may be employed as a teacher during the period of the home based summer programme.

Teachers who have retired on ill health are not permitted, under the rules of the relevant pension scheme to deliver tuition. Teachers who have availed of an early retirement scheme should refer to the conditions of said scheme before carrying out tuition.

How can I find a tutor?

If you don’t already have a tutor you can connect with tutors via our notice board. To do that you can post your needs there. It’s listed by school type, province and county.

Once logged in you can DM teachers that have posts by clicking their username and selecting the email option. You’ll need to register 1st, this link explains How to register on the site.

Where can you get forms?

The application forms will be available from your childs school. School Principals will be required to co-sign the paperwork to confirm your childs eligibility.

When can tuition be given?

Hours must be provided between 9.00am and 6.00pm from Monday to Friday. Hours outside of these times will not be funded.

Home tuition can take place at any time during the summer holidays and the weeks of tuition do not need to be consecutive.

Hours available

The allocation is 10 hours per week for 4 weeks where a  school is not participating in a school-based programme. The allocation is per household with adjusted allocations for siblings. (see sibling hours below)

Where children did not avail of the Supplementary Spring Programme:
Allocated hours are increased to 50 hours (10 hours per week for 5 weeks) where an eligible child was unable to avail of any hours under the supplementary programme which ran from February to the end of April 2021.

Siblings hours

Where there are siblings in a home they will receive a shared allocation of hours as follows:

2 Children – 15 per week for 4 weeks
3 Children – 20 per week for 4 weeks
4 Children – 25 per week for 4 weeks

Different School Settings
Where siblings are in different school settings their individual allocation of hours will be 10 hours per week.
The settings are outlined as follows:

  • One child is primary and the other is post-primary
  • One child in a special class or a special school and the other child in mainstream
  • Where two eligible children are each in a specialised setting i.e. a special class or a special school
  • Where one sibling is living in a separate home

Rates of pay

The grant rates per hour for all tuition provided is:
Fully Qualified Primary Teacher € 39.09 per hour
Fully Qualified Post-primary Teacher € 47.01 per hour

Modified Rate € 35.14 per hour

The modified rate is applied as follows

  • Tuition provided in a different sector (e.g. primary child with a
    post-primary qualified teacher or a post-primary student with a primary
    qualified teacher) is paid at the modified rate.
  • Teachers who are registered and qualified and who are in receipt of
    payment of a public service pension will receive the modified payment.
SNA providing care support €16.77 per hour
The Grant Payment Rate covers tuition/care support only. It does not cover any other expenses which may be incurred by the Teacher/SNA i.e. travel, subsistence, resources, materials etc. There is no additional grant aid available outside of that outlined above.

Have you any questions?

If you have any questions Contact Us and we’ll be happy to assist you further.