€9.2 billion total DES budget
c1,750 – Additional teachers in the education system in 2022, inc 980 for special educational needs.
1,165 – Additional SNAs.
30,000 – School places to be provided by 200 school projects currently under construction.
€87 million (1) – Funding provided specifically to support schools as they continue to operate in a Covid-19 environment
€790 million (2022) – Providing additional capacity to the school system to manage in the Covid environment and to cater for increased demographics with 30,000 extra pupil places. This headline figure is not expanded in their Budget document, so it is most likely an amalgamation of various items.
€30 million – Increase investment in the school transport scheme.
€20m – For the purchase of books and other literacy aids to improve existing literacy resources.
Capitation funding will increase for voluntary secondary schools in the free education scheme, due to changes in the system used to calculate allocations. Details were not expanded in their Budget document.
2021-2026 – In this period the education sector will receive aprox €4.4 billon for capital investment ie school buildings.
For further details on all of these headline items visit the “DES Budget Document” tab link where you can download the full DES budget information pack.
(1) A central contingency reserve is again being allocated in the 2022 Budget by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, which includes additional funds earmarked for schools.
For a copy of the DES Budget details you can download the full information pack using the following link…